
Hyxo Oy & Microtrac – Partikkelianalytiikan uusi aikakausi!

Olemme innoissamme yhteistyöstä Microtracin, globaalisti tunnetun partikkelianalytiikan edelläkävijän, kanssa. Tämä kumppanuus vie tutkimuksen, tuotekehityksen ja laadunvalvonnan uudelle tasolle – tarjoamalla asiakkaillemme nopeampia, tarkempia ja innovatiivisempia ratkaisuja.

Tutustu Microtrac-tuotteisiimme

Microtrac’s Three Centers Of Excellence:

  • Particle Size & Shape
  • Stability & Dispersibility Analysis
  • Surface & Porosity

Particle Size & Shape Analysis

Dynamic Image Analysis (DIA) is used to determine size distributions and shape parameters quickly with excellent accuracy and reproducibility over a wide measuring range. Microtrac's renowned CAMSIZER system was introduced over 20 years ago and has pushed technological innovation ever since. These instruments are developed and built in our production site in Haan, Germany. In 2024, Microtrac celebrates 50 years of Laser Diffraction (LD) as a global leader. We are pioneers in this field, with our SYNC range. By continuously improving the instrument technology, we offer customers a robust portfolio of laser diffraction instruments that are ideal for particle sizing and characterization. The development and production site for this product line is located in, Pennsylvania, USA

Tutustu partikkelikoon ja muodon analysointiin

Stability & Dispersibility Analysis

Our Stability Analyzers use Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), Static Multiple Light Scattering (SMLS), and Zeta Potential (ZP) to measure the stability and dispersibility of all your formulations. DLS is a precise measurement technique for the characterization of particle sizes in suspensions and emulsions. Microtrac is a pioneer of particle analysis technology and has been developing optical systems based on Dynamic Light Scattering for over 30 years. The latest addition to the Microtrac portfolio is the TURBISCAN range. With TURBISCAN, Microtrac offers the world-leading technology for Shelf-Life and Dispersibility analysis of liquid dispersions and formulations. The TURBISCAN range utilizes SMLS and is developed in our factory in Toulouse, France. The ZP product family consists of analyzers that provide information on particle size, zeta potential, concentration, and molecular weight in a single system.

Tutustu stabiilisuus- ja dispergoituvuusanalyyseihin

Gas Adsorption Measurement

The BELSORP and BELPORE analyzers are highly advanced and efficient tools used for gas and vapor adsorption measurement. They are designed to determine the BET surface area and pore size distribution of both porous and non-porous powder materials. These analyzers employ cutting-edge gas adsorption technology and are widely used in various sectors, including Research and Development, Quality Control, and Quality Assurance. These products have a global presence and are utilized by numerous industries worldwide. The BELSORP and BELPORE analyzers are equipped with state-of the-art features and functionalities, ensuring accurate and reliable results. The competence centers for these product lines are located in Osaka, Japan, and Haan, Germany, providing comprehensive support to customers worldwide. BELSORP and BELPORE analyzers are indispensable tools that enable precise and efficient gas and vapor adsorption measurements.

Tutustu kaasun adsorptiomittauksiin
